Hot Spot #1: Catahoula NWR

Photographing Paradise:

Exploring the Wonders of Catahoula National Wildlife Refuge

A plethora of wading birds and wildlife!!!! Its crazy

Take a short drive to Jonesville, Louisiana, and witness a wildlife Mecca at Catahoula National Wildlife Refuge. Established in 1958 as a wintering area for migratory waterfowl, this sprawling refuge encompasses approximately 25,000 acres of lowland hardwood forests, occasionally subject to backwater flooding from the Ouachita, Black, and Red Rivers. With its diverse ecosystem, Catahoula NWR has become a haven for a multitude of wildlife species, making it a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts and photographers alike.

Wildlife Abundance

The refuge boasts an astonishing array of wildlife, from majestic white-tailed deer to migratory waterfowl and a multitude of  songbirds. Throughout the year, hundreds of species call this place their home, creating endless opportunities for wildlife photography. Whether you're passionate about capturing avian wonders or want to immortalize the mesmerizing River Otter in action, Catahoula NWR has something to offer for every nature-loving photographer.

As you enter the refuge from US Hwy 84, prepare to be enchanted by the scenic beauty surrounding you. From Little Lake to Little Lake Slough, the landscape is alive with the comings and goings of diverse fauna. The time of your visit will determine the type of wildlife you encounter, making each journey a unique and thrilling experience.

The Hot Spots

To maximize your photography adventure, make sure to visit the following hotspots noted on the maps beside each section. Click on the maps to enlarge!!!

Hotspot #1: Little Lake - Little Lake Slough

Upon entering the refuge, head towards Hotspot #1 to witness the picturesque views of Little Lake on your left and Little Lake Slough on your right. This area often offers glimpses of fascinating wildlife, and depending on the season, you might encounter Wood storks!! Looking across Little Lake is East, perfect for those sunrise shots and if you had permission to be there past sunset the Milky Way core passes directly over the lake & with very little light pollution you should be able to get amazing shots of our beautiful galaxy. 

Hotspot #2: Cowpen Bayou

Continuing on the refuge road, you'll reach Hotspot #2, the beginning of Cowpen Bayou. Keep your camera ready as you might spot the master fisherman, the River Otter, skillfully hunting for its next meal.

Hotspot #3: Cowpen Bayou Pier

As you follow the road with the bayou on your right, you'll arrive at Hotspot #3, Cowpen Bayou Pier. This location is ideal for observing anhingas drying their wings and green herons stalking fish & amphibians.

Hotspot #4: Little Lake Observation Tower

While the actual observation tower may not be accessible, a short walk to the banks of Little Lake offers awe-inspiring views. Keep an eye out for possible Eagle sightings and immerse yourself in the beauty of this serene location.

The Breathtaking Wildlife

Catahoula NWR is indeed a bird sanctuary, and birdwatchers and photographers will be delighted by the abundance of avian species. Spot elegant pelicans and vibrant roseate spoonbills at different times of the year & a variety of ducks during the winter months when migratory waterfowl arrive.  Be prepared to capture impressive shots of Eagles, Osprey, Black Necked Stilts, Owls, Wood storks, and Limpkins, among many others. The refuge also hosts a thriving population of otters, deer, and an array of other wildlife that will undoubtedly leave you spellbound.

Tips and Permits

To ensure a smooth and enjoyable photography trip, download the Hunting and Fishing Permits and Regulations from the refuge's official website. Road conditions are usually excellent on the wildlife loop, and you don't need a 4-wheel drive vehicle to explore the area.

Bonus Locations and Tips

For photography enthusiasts seeking even more excitement, sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of this page. Subscribers gain access to exclusive bonus tips and locations in and nearby the refuge, further enhancing your experience at during your visit. And…. You will be the first to be notified when a new article is posted or any other exciting news.

In conclusion, Catahoula NWR presents a breathtaking opportunity to immerse yourself in the beauty of nature and capture stunning photographs of diverse wildlife. Whether you're a seasoned wildlife photographer or a budding enthusiast, this wildlife Mecca promises an unforgettable adventure.  So grab your camera gear, head to Catahoula, and get ready to embark on an extraordinary journey into the heart of nature's wonders.


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